Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Fox and the Cat

             A fox once boasted to a cat about how clever he was. He said he had a hundred ways of escaping from his enemies, the dogs. The cat replied that she only one trick . Just then they heard the yelping of dogs. The  cat used her only means of escape and immediately climbed up the tree. She called down to the fox that this was trick she had told about. She asked him which of his tricks he would use. 

        Before the confused fox could decide, the dogs were upon him, and that was the end of the fox. 

 Moral Lesson: 

  •  One effective method is better than hundred untried ones. 
  •   Simple and workable approach is preferred than a complicated one .
  •   Better to have one plan that works than a hundred that fail.
      We must have a pal to do work successful . Make sure that it is effective and not to fail. Plan a tricks/ method to do your work more better. It is also better that we encounter problems because of this it can make us to have courage and faith to do our work. Also, we must not to escape from our enemy.

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